We are driving down the road
Speeding towards our destination
Trees fly by on either side
We crest a hill and drop into a valley
Our stomachs rise and fall
There is an eagles nest on top of a power poll
We drive on without slowing
The road we follow twists and turns
Once and awhile we see a lake on our left
A lake we must eventually cross
The sky turns grey and overcast
It begins to rain but we must keep going
An elk grazes along the side of the road
We have no time to stop
We reach the ferry and wait for our turn
Everyone on this road must stop and cross over
The opposite shore looks far away but feels so close
We board the ferry and get carried to the other side
The surrounding water is deep and dark
It doesn't feel like we are going anywhere
We reach the shore and start the next part of our journey
I am eager to see where the journey is leading. But is the destination important? Or is it the in-between that matters more?